Facilities & Maintenance Banner

Facilities & Maintenance

Contact Information

Facilities & Maintenance Director:

Steve Howard


Facilities & Maintenance Front Desk:

Jennifer Todd


Phone: 509-464-5540

Hours: 7:00 am - 3:30 pm, M-F

The Facilities and Maintenance Department is dedicated to caring for the buildings and grounds of the Deer Park School District, keeping school district facilities safe and accessible, comfortable, and capable of supporting the learning process for all students.

Maintenance and custodial services are an important part of the education process, just as all other support services. The physical characteristics of our school facilities are important and are looked upon by the community, administration, teachers, support staff, coaches, and school districts who visit to participate in various events as something of which Deer Park can be proud.

In addition to general maintenance of all district buildings, systems, and related equipment, the Facilities & Maintenance department is responsible for developing long-range masterplans for the district related to new school construction, new additions, or modernization projects at existing schools. The Facilities Director also organizes and coordinates new school building planning, design, funding approval, project award, and construction – this includes permanent building construction and all portable-building installations.

EMPLOYEES: Something broken? Looking to submit a work order?
HERE for the Maintenance Help Desk!

school building

Facilities Use Paperwork

Emergency Response

Rapid Responder

Building Safety

Building Safety

Hazardous Materials

SDS Information

Deer Park Facilities Overview

Board Policy 6900 stipulates that in order to provide the best possible physical environment for learning and teaching, the following factors shall be considered in the planning of district facilities:  Facilities shall accommodate the educational needs of students and be consistent with the

  • Facilities shall accommodate the educational needs of students and be consistent with the
    educational philosophy and instructional goals of the district.

  • Facilities shall meet or exceed all health, safety, and welfare regulations.

  • The district shall seek state and federal moneys to the maximum extent available to supplement its own financial resources.

  • Undesirable environmental impact shall be minimized.

  • Changing demographic factors shall be monitored in order that students’ needs are met when the future becomes the present.

A current list of district facilities, including date of construction, square footage, cost, and date last remodeled (if applicable) is available using the button at left.

Facilities Planning Committee

2015 – 2025 Facilities Master Plan

A Citizens Planning Team convened in 2012 and met four times throughout the year, engaging in a comprehensive analysis of district facilities and capital needs. This team of 10 citizens toured all school buildings and district facilities and engaged in conversations with the principal or general supervisor of each facility, in order to better understand the needs of th respective facility. Related topics included district-wide infrastructure and technology needs, safety and security, and any deferred maintenance in need of attention.

The work of the committee was characterized by three basic tasks:

  • What is?

    • evaluate the current condition of the facility

    • review of functional adequacy reports and score sheets

    • tour of facilities

  • What Should Be?

    • create a vision for district facilities

    • development of both short (5 yrs.) and long (10 yrs.) range facilities plans

    • address any changes to the needs of the academic programs

    • analyze maintenance needs/building inadequacies

  • What Can Be?

    • engage in feasibility study to shape vision (consider financial and political realities)

    • develop priorities and strategies to achieve facilities plan

Additionally, the committee considered general growth and development factors, cohort projection data from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), and also consulted with officials from both the City of Deer Park and Spokane County.

2015 Update:  Many of the original members of the Facilities Committee reconvened in 2015 to re-visit/re-evaluate the findings and recommendations from 2012. A number of the “smallish” projects had been completed the district sought to clarify long-term facilities priorities. The document below lays out a tentative plan for addressing facilities needs from 2016 – 2021 and then from 2021 – 2025.

Capital Projects Plan 2024 (Visual)

Capital Projects Plan 2024

Medium/Large Scale Capital Projects: 2016-2025

cap projects plan