Area 1 || Craig Phillips

Board member since 2023 || Current term expires 12/2027 (email Craig)

Area 2 || Rebecca Fouts

Board member since 2020  || Current term expires 12/2025 (email Rebecca)

Area 3 || Lindsay Lofstrom

Board member since 2021  || Current term expires 12/2025 (email Lindsay)

Area 4 || Gerry Ashby

Board member since 2023  || Current term expires 12/2027 (email Gerry)

At Large || Eric Keller

Board member since 2007 || Current term expires 12/2027 (email Eric)

Board Work Session

April 14, 2025

The meeting on April 14, 2025 is a “work session” – board work sessions allow board members to engage in professional growth, study difficult issues, gather and analyze information, and clarify issues related to policy and procedure. Work Sessions are held in the district office conference room and are open public meetings as are all meetings of the district’s Board of Directors.

(The link above provides access to meeting materials the Friday before an upcoming meeting)

DPSD Board of Directors

The Deer Park School Board is comprised of five directors elected by Deer Park voters – each to a four year term. Four of the five directors in Deer Park represent a “director district,” while one member is elected to an “At Large” seat ( the seat is not tied to a specific Director District). Click on the following link for district map showing Deer Park’s director districts:  DPSD DIRECTOR DISTRICTS

What Does a School Board Do?

The list of School Board duties is lengthy, including hiring the Superintendent, making decisions on property acquisition or sale, approving collectively bargained agreements, authorizing public bids and large expenditures, approving the district's annual budgets, adopting core curriculum, as well as specific issues related to personnel.

The authority of individual board members is limited to participating in actions taken by the board as a whole when legally in session. Board members do not assume the responsibilities of school administrators or other employees. All business of the School Board is conducted in open public meetings except for matters involving property or personnel issues. Simply stated, it is not the job of the Board to manage schools, but rather to oversee that schools are managed well.

Board Documents & Information

Looking for board meeting dates or previous meeting minutes? Perhaps you’re looking for board policies and procedures? Click the appropriate button below.


DPSD Policy & Procedure


Meeting Minutes

Meeting Scheule

2024-25 Meeting Schedule


Board Protocols


Board Meeting Recordings

Deer Park School District Vision and Mission


Ensuring the future by inspiring excellence.


Deer Park Schools will provide excellent educational opportunities for all students, maintaining a steadfast commitment to quality instruction, high expectations, and positive relationships. This work will be carried out in a safe and respectful environment, rooted in family and community values, and focused on inspiring students to excel in a changing world.

Priorities for Progress

The DPSD Board of Directors is focused on helping our teachers provide very best educational experience for the children we serve. That said, we are committed to connecting our the board's decision-making and goal-setting processes to the work in classrooms and the outcomes we want for our children.

While our system is collecting more data about kids than ever before, we’ve rarely used it in ways that help deliver intended outcomes for students. Identifying, analyzing, and discussing the data in Key Performance Indicators is our commitment to taking a proactive and progressive approach to traditional governance and strategic planning.

Participation & Accessibility

The public is always invited to attend school board meetings. In fact, public participation and interest is a hallmark of successful school systems. Public comment can be made by filling out a “Public Comment Form” and presenting it to the board clerk prior to the meeting. The Deer Park School District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to these public forums. Should you require any reasonable accommodation to enable you to attend and/or participate, please contact the school district office at 464-5500. We request at least 48 hours advance notice for special accommodations.

Unless otherwise noted on a board meeting agenda, regular meetings of the Board of Directors are generally held at Deer Park School District’s Board Room and Training Center, located inside the old Deer Park Elementary building located at N. 428 Main.