Annual Notifications

It's Your Right to Know

The Deer Park School District is required by law to inform district patrons annually of its compliance with certain federal and state laws and to make available the information available below. Should you have questions or concerns regarding any of the following information please call the Deer Park School District District Office at 464-5500.

The following information is designed to provide you with clear communications regarding certain elements of school and district operations. Families and students have certain rights as citizens and the school system cannot unduly infringe on those rights – in some cases the information below puts forth rules that define the reasonable limits of those rights, based on the rules and regulations established by the State of Washington.

Annual Report Card and Budget Information

As part of our ongoing process of school improvement, Deer Park School District regularly reviews and analyzes assessment data. In addition to the assessment data we collect and analyze locally, Washington’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) produces annual report cards for all public schools, all school districts, and for the state itself. We believe that all community members should have easy access to clear and complete information on our schools and on school expenditures. If you would like to review Deer Park’s information at OSPI’s website – CLICK HERE. Additionally, on an annual basis, we also publish the Citizen’s Guide to the District’s Budget (accessible under the “Parent Resources” link on the main menu) , which provides an informative and helpful guide to district revenue sources and district expenditures.

Student Directory Information

Under the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents/guardians and students over 18 years of age have certain rights concerning how Deer Park School District releases educational records. Washington State law also refers to FERPA and specifically addresses the topic of student records. Educational records are kept as part of the normal operation of our schools. The school district gives parents/guardians and eligible students an opportunity to tell us what student information must be kept confidential and not released. Federal law permits a school district to identify certain information as “directory information” – such information may be released publicly without the permission of the parent. Directory information, defined as student information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent.

Deer Park School District does not deliberately give directory information to solicitors who want directory information for commercial purposes. Directory information may be given to parents (e.g. – parent directories), the media (e.g. – sports recognition), colleges and universities (e.g. – scholarship information) and the military (e.g. – recruitment). Directory information includes:

  • Name

  • Home address

  • Telephone number(s)

  • Date and place of birth

  • Parent / guardian names

  • Dates of enrollment

  • Enrollment status

  • Email addresses – including personal, parent and school-assigned

  • Diplomas and awards

  • Participation in officially recognized activities & sports

  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams

Parents who wish to with withhold the release of directory information can find more at the Student Directory Information page.

Student Records

Policy and Procedure 3400 explains that information about individual students (other than Directory Information) will not be released to persons or agencies without the written consent of parents/guardians. However, this policy also states that Deer Park Schools will forward school records, without parent consent, to schools in other districts to which a student transfers. This facilitates the prompt and appropriate placement of students in new school settings. Deer Park Schools also forwards, without consent, transcripts or other information requested by high school students to colleges or other post-secondary school educational institutions.

Special Education records will be maintained by Deer Park Schools in accordance with applicable state records retention schedules. Parents or adult students who wish to obtain copies of a student’s records should submit a written request to the school office where the student is enrolled at any time during the school year, but no later than thirty (30) days after graduation or completion of the school year. Parents are also reminded that Deer Park Schools may withhold grades, diplomas, and/or transcripts of any student responsible for theft of, or willful damage to, school property until restitution is made by payment of monetary damages or by volunteer work if the student is unable to pay restitution.

Asbestos Plan

Deer Park Schools engage in a continuous asbestos surveillance program to ensure that there are no asbestos problems or danger to students and employees. A copy of our asbestos management plan is available for review at the district office.

Annual Pest Control Notification

Upon request the Deer Park School District will provide the school’s pest control policy and methods, pursuant to chapter 17.21 RCW.  When parents or guardians or school employees request to be notified, schools must provide the required information in writing.  We will provide the required information via e-mail, fax, carried home by student or regular mail contingent on the method requested by the parent or guardian.

Child Abuse Prevention

Deer Park School District works with state agencies (including OSPI) to establish a coordinated primary prevention program for child abuse and neglect. Parents may refuse to have their children participate in the program. Contact your child’s school for more information. All employees of the Deer Park School District are mandatory reporters of suspected child abuse.

Non-Resident Transfers

Policy and Procedure 3140/3141 provide information regarding resident release and non–resident transfers. Individuals wishing into transfer into Deer Park Schools from another school district must first be released from their resident school district. Questions concerning inter-district transfers should be directed to the Deer Park School District Administration Office at 464-5500.

Child Identification Procedures

Children with a disability may be eligible for services through Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or special education and related services through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004. The district conducts Childfind activities for the purpose of locating, evaluating, and identifying students with a suspected disability who are residing within district boundaries. Childfind activities apply to children who are not currently receiving special education and related services. Parents with concerns about their child’s health, hearing, intellectual functioning, language, learning, movement, serious behavioral needs, speech, or vision can call their child’s school.

College Credit Program Information

Deer Park High School has information available concerning the entrance requirements and the availability of programs in the area that lead to college credit. These include classes such as College in the Classroom, running start, and “skills center” programs. In addition, the high school can provide the names and contact information of other public or private entities offering such programs, including online advanced placement programs, assuming the school has knowledge/experience regarding such opportunities. For more information on programs and offerings available to Deer Park students, contact the high school counseling department.


Parents in the Deer Park School District have rights to confidentiality under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The parent or eligible student has a right to:

  • Inspect and review their student’s education records;

  • Seek to amend their student’s education records;

  • Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent;

  • File a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the agency to comply with the requirements of the act.

Parents wishing to review their children’s records should contact their child’s school.

Drug-Free Schools

The Deer Park School District supports and enforces drug-free schools. Use and/or possession of alcohol and illicit drugs is unlawful, wrong, and harmful. A student shall not knowingly possess, use, be under the influence of, or show evidence of having used any alcohol or any controlled illegal, addictive, or harmful substances (including anabolic steroids) while on school grounds or at a school activity. Violation of this policy shall result in the following:  The parent(s) will be notified to discuss appropriate treatment. The school administration may request the assistance of a law enforcement official investigating the source of the substance. Appropriate school disciplinary action will be taken.

To ensure the safety, health and well-being of all students, the district is committed to a program that emphasizes drug and alcohol abuse prevention, intervention, aftercare support and necessary corrective actions. While the primary obligation to seek assistance rests with the student and his/her parent(s), school staff shall work with the home and community to develop and implement a comprehensive prevention and intervention program. The district shall seek the support and cooperation of public and private agencies as necessary.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Under the IDEA, Deer Park School District provides a copy of procedural disability safeguards upon request (you will find the link to the document at the top of this page). Please contact the district office if you need a printed copy.

Citizen Complaints - Federal Programs

A citizen complaint is a written statement that alleges a violation of a federal rule, law or regulation or state regulation that applies to a federal program.

  • Anyone can file a citizen complaint.

  • There is no special form.

  • There is no need to know the law that governs a federal program to file a complaint.

Should you require more information about filing a “citizen complaint” please use the following link – Citizen Complaint

Health Information

Parents should be aware of school district policies regarding specific health situations. Copies of these policies can be requested from the office in each building. Applicable policies cover Student Health (3410), Immunization and Life Threatening Conditions (3413), and Emergency Treatment (3418).  A STUDENT WITH A LIFE THREATENING CONDITION MAY NOT ATTEND SCHOOL UNTIL AN EMERGENCY CARE PLAN IS ON FILE WITH THE SCHOOL. CONTACT YOUR CHILD’S SCHOOL NURSE FOR INFORMATION.

Legislation regarding Military Recruiters

Section 952B of the No Child Left Behind Act, also known as Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students and Student Recruiting Information, requires schools to provide student contact information to military recruiters and institutes of higher education unless a parent has opted out of providing such information.

McKinney Vento Act

Students may receive support from the school district to enroll in school, remain in their home school and participate in school if they live in any of the following situations:

  • Children and youth sharing housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason

  • Children and youth living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or campgrounds due to lack of alternative accommodations

  • Children and youth living in emergency or transitional shelters

  • Children and youth abandoned in hospitals

  • Children and youth awaiting foster care placement

  • Children and youth whose primary nighttime residence is not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation (e.g. park benches, etc.)

  • Children and youth living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations

  • Migratory children and youth living in any of the above situations

Please contact Suzanne McKibbon-Homeless Liaison at 509-464-5521 or e-mail at

Meal Pricing / Child Nutrition Programs

Deer Park School District provides parents and the public with information about free and reduced price meals – click HERE to find out more.


Please click HERE for to review Deer Park's Statement of Non-Discrimination and view staff who oversee implementation and compliance.