DPSD Facilities

A.R. Hegre Building: Houses district administration and Home Link program
This building was the “original” Deer Park Elementary School. In 2005, the building was renamed the “A.R. Hegre Building” in honor of the long time Deer Park Elementary principal.
Year Built: 1920
Alterations: 1947, 1973, 1997, 2002, 2010
Size: 25,000 sf
Original cost: $45,000
2010 Remodel $445,000 (funded by Capitol Projects Funds)
Recent Improvements Include: Roof replacement and structural repairs to gym; Renovations to Special Services office; re-purpose existing space to serve as District Training Center/Board Room; new interior paint; security cameras, locks and hardware to improve building security; wireless access points.

Deer Park High School
Year Built: 1980
Remodeled: 2010
Original Size: 80,156 sf
New Additions: 71,963 sf
Original Cost: $5,011,000
Modernization & Additions (2010): $42,000,000
2010 modernization project was paid for by a local bond measure approved by voters as well as state matching funds. Modernization and additions included: Full remodel of original building; 13 new classrooms; Performing Arts Theater; Auxiliary Gym; Enlarged Commons/Cafeteria; Greenhouse; Audio/Video Production Center
Recent Improvements include: Resurfacing and upgrades to the running track; New Alternative High School portable building; New Sports Concessions / Restroom facility; New Tennis Courts (all improvements funded with money from original capital project), and additional wireless access points.

Deer Park Middle School
Originally constructed as Deer Park High School
Became DP Junior High in 1980 and DP Middle School in 1998
Year Built: 1958 (cost: $446,632)
Remodeled: 1997
Original Size: 34,200 sf
Additions: 7,200 sf
Modernization and additions $4,737,230 7,000 sf
6th Grade portable added in 1998 Funded by local bond & State matching funds
Recent Improvements include: New carpeting and lighting upgrades in Special Ed portable classrooms; 2-Classroom portable added in 2008; Wireless network access points; HVAC Controls – including related updates to HVAC system; Multi-Purpose room VCT flooring replaced; Exterior paint; keyless entry system; security cameras; locks and hardware to improve building security.

Arcadia Elementary School
Formerly Arcadia Middle School
Year Built: 1973
Remodeled: 1996
Original Size: 42,000 sf (original Cost: $1,046,000)
Remodel Cost: $4,051,760
Funded by local bond & State match 4 portable classrooms have also been added
Recent Improvements include: Exterior wall repairs and paint; Roof repairs & coating; Chiller repairs; Lighting upgrades; Wireless network access points; Office Carpeting; parking lot paving replaced; security cameras installed; locks and hardware to improve building security.

Deer Park Elementary School
Year Built: 2002 (New Construction)
Size: 55,000 sf
Cost: $9,336,000
Funded by local bond & State matching funds
Recent Improvements include: Extensive repairs to building envelope on North wing of building (2015); HVAC upgrades / Boiler repairs; Concrete and drainage improvements; Updated fiber optic cabling; wireless access points.

Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP)
Year Built: 2008
Size: 4,500 sf
Cost: $443,000
Recent Improvements include:

Clayton School (Home Link)
Year Built: 1915
Remodeled: 2005
Size: 7,250 sf
Original Cost: Unknown
Remodel $1,453,000
Funded by Qualified Zone Academy Bond (0% Interest)
Now part of the National Historic Registry
Recent Improvements include: Updates for safety and security, security cameras.

Maintenance & Food Services Building
Year Built: 2004
Size: 6,000 sf
Cost: $270,000
Funded by Capitol Projects Fund
Recent Improvements include: Machine storage shed; Fiber optic cabling; New district storage building; lighting upgrade.

Originally part of the Deer Park Pine lumber mill
Year Built: late 1930’s
Size: Approximately 6,000 sf
Original Cost: Unknown
Updates: $51,600 Funded by sale of old District Office
Recent Improvements include: Electrical; Garage bay extensions; New sewer system; Structural repairs to parking garage; Exterior paint, carpet in office area; lighting upgrade in shop.