DECA 2023 - Absolutely Amazing! Congrats to All DECA Competitors!
DECA competes in a variety of events relating to business management, marketing, hospitality, and entrepreneurship. Their competition starts at Area competition in December (we competed 40) where they compete against other area chapters (from Deer Park to Clarkston to Central Valley, out to Cheney and every Spokane/Mead school in between). The top competitors in their events at Area go to state in March (we competed 26). At state, the students had to place in the top 8 to go to International Competition (we competed with 8/also qualified 4 for Leadership Academy). Students competed in preliminary competition this week and all eight made finalist competition which means they ALL scored FIRST PLACE in their judge section putting them in the top 18 in the world! This is an incredible accomplishment that is hard to put into words. This competition has roughly 22000+ attendees. These events can have upwards of 300 students/teams in each event from multiple countries and states. The finalists immediately go back into competition for a final round of placing for the top three spots. Our SBEF event (Jitter-Bucks) of Neveah Gonzalez and Alayna Demir made the TOP TEN stage after the finals round!
Student Based Enterprise-Food (Jitter-Bucks): Neveah Gonzalez and Alayna Demir
Student Based Enterprise-Retail (Stag Prints): Laura West, Ella Carnahan, and Addie Russell
Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan (Booststicks): Ivan Bogle, Grace Martinson, and Liam Bogle