Public Notice

Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 392-170-042 requires school districts to make an annual public notification to parents and students before any major identification activity for Highly Capable services occurs. According to WAC 392-170-078, once a student is identified, he/she will receive highly capable services through grade 12, unless the student leaves the district or a parent/guardian requests an exit from the program.

The purpose for identifying students is twofold: first, it helps us provide daily services within the regular classroom (including differentiation of instruction, special awareness regarding the social-emotional needs of gifted kids, and more). Second, it opens the opportunity for participation in after-school enrichment programs like Math is Cool. Third, it alerts us to students who might be served best in advanced ELA and/or math classes.

The referral form, in-district and state assessments, classroom-based assessments, and teacher input can be used to identify students. If you believe your student clearly displays above-average ability and may benefit from advanced coursework of more challenging rigor and complexity, you may request a Parent Referral form from your child’s teacher, their school office, or from the district office. These may be submitted at any point during the year for evaluation of highly capable services, with formal identification occurring in the fall and spring.

If you have any questions or concerns about highly capable services in your child’s classroom, be sure to discuss this with your child’s teachers during parent conferences. You may also contact Building Representative Shanna McKenzie at (509) 464-5746 or District Program Coordinator Kristin Moyles at (509) 468-3376.blic Notice