Deer Park School District will be hosting three (3) town hall opportunities to learn about the February 2024 bond and levy. We invite our community to learn more!
- Wednesday, January 31: 6:00 pm at the District Administration Office
- Saturday, February 3: 10:00 am at Arcadia Elementary School (followed by a tour of the Transportation Center)
- Tuesday, February 6: 6:00 pm at the District Administration Office
Learn more about the following:
Proposition 1) Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Renewal Levy: The EP&O levy is not a new tax. Proposition 2) Replacement Bond to Construct and Renovate Facilities: Bond funding will be used to address the growth and highest-priority facility needs for K-12, Home Link, and the transportation facility.
- Bond: Bond Informational Video
- Levy: Levy Informational Video